A Note from Alliance President Terry Gips:
We’ve just learned that Republicans have won enough seats to control the US House, completing their sweep into power and securing their hold on government alongside President-elect Donald Trump. The resulting unfettered power is a huge psychological blow for a large number of people as it threatens our planet and the lives of so many vulnerable people, as well as the Alliance’s work for sustainability, health, equity and kindness.
However, it’s important to know our programs will continue and we have so many effective ways to address this, including city and state legislation, protests, work shutdowns and corporate boycotts and buycotts. Plus, we’ll be sharing some of the great work of aligned companies working to positively change the world every day regardless of who’s in power. And remember, we can fundamentally shift things in two years following their already evident over-reach with outrageous, unqualified appointments that are even troubling numerous elected Republicans.
Many Americans will soon see they didn’t get what they voted for and the outrage has already begun within a week of the election. We must remember we have so much more collective power than we can imagine if we choose to use it.
The fate of so many people and the planet need us to speak up. I and the Alliance for Sustainability (afors.org) are committed to doing so in every way possible, while continuing to process our feelings and support each other. Please see the powerful, poignant article on post-election recovery and a Native American perspective.
But first, please first take care of yourself and do whatever self-care you need. Then, if you are up for it, join us and other groups in making a difference. You can be a Friend of the Alliance, sign the Pledge for Sustainability, Health, Equity and Kindness (S.H.E. Kindness) and bring our informative, inspiring presentation into your business, school, congregation, service club or community group.
We and our ancestors have been through dark times before and we can get through these and bring light to our world by caring for ourselves, each other and our planet while joining together to express our true power.
At 73, I think I’ve got another 50 good years to use every ounce of my energy to help transform our world so I can do my best to create a healthy, thriving future for my and all the world’s children, plus every being on this sacred, holy ground of Creation.