On May 18, 2023 the Alliance kicked off a year-long celebration of its fabulous Fortieth Anniversary with an extraordinary evening with inspiring talks, music and delicious French Meadow food & drinks.
MN Governor Tim Walz and Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan issued a Proclamation declaring May 18 as Alliance for Sustainability Day in Minnesota. The city of Minneapolis issued a Proclamation as well. It certainly was as a rainy day turned into a perfect, balmy afternoon and evening for more than 100 attendees to celebrate the Alliance’s Fortieth Anniversary at French Meadow Bakery and Café. We’d like to say a special thank you to all of our hosts, sponsors, supporters, Sustainability Award Recipients, performers and attendees for making it happen.
Frances Moore Lappé: I am a ‘planetarian’

One of the highlights of this magical evening was a thought-provoking talk by famed Diet for a Small Planet author, Alternative Nobel-Prize winner and Small Planet Institute Founder Frances Moore Lappé. Thanks to our fabulous performer Larry Long for his words and transcription of some of Frankie’s talk: “This courageous woman inspired Terry Gips and others to co-create the Alliance around a personal vision of helping to build a worldwide movement of sustainability.” Here’s his excerpt from Frankie’s closing words:
“So, my journey of more than half a century has taken me to this conclusion: Humans are good enough. So, what’s our problem? Maybe it’s in part that we’re pack animals, too social. I mean go along with the pack…even as it heads over the cliff. So, this moment on our precious planet calls for one particular virtue: courage…Breaking with the pack, trying what’s new, requires courage to do what we thought we could not do. I love Eleanor Roosevelt’s advice, ‘Do one thing every day that scares you.’
Choose those more gutsy than you. Hang out with them. I bet you yourself will become more courageous. Read more
Download a PDF of the Program Book
Recognizing Sustainability Leaders

The Board of the Alliance was pleased to announce the winners of our Sustainability Awards that were given at the Alliance’s Fabulous Fortieth Anniversary Celebration:
- MN Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan, staunch progressive champion, first Native American elected to the MN House and the highest-ranking Native American elected official in the US
- MN Attorney General Keith Ellison, long-time sustainability and environmental justice leader at the state and national level, as well as the first ever Muslim elected to Congress
- Lynn Gordon, women’s business leader, creative culinary force and co-owner of historic French Meadow Bakery and Café, the oldest continually operating organic bakery in the US
- Steve Shapiro, longstanding organic industry leader, advocate and co-owner of innovative, nearly 40-year-old French Meadow Bakery and Café
- Collie Graddick, organic farmer in GA, consultant with the MN Dept of Agriculture, long-time co-op leader, founder of Community Table Co-op and Alliance Board Chair
- Leo Cashman, Executive Director of DAMS (non-toxic dental alternatives), Founder and Treasurer of the National Health Freedom Coalition and Alliance accountant for 40 years
More good things during our Fabulous Fortieth Anniversary Year celebrations
Ten Highlights of the Planned Fortieth Anniversary Year Events & Actions
- Create a S.H.E. Kindness Pledge to make our bold Declaration of Co-Creation and Interdependence into a powerful, practical Call to Action that everyone can sign and begin making a difference
- Establish an Alliance Ambassador Program to engage everyone in the Alliance community to get at least 5 family members, friends and/or colleagues to sign the Pledge and engage on social media while being acknowledged and receiving awards
- Begin an Alliance Allies Program with monthly in-person and/or virtual group gatherings to support people in connecting and sharing about their pledges and S.H.E. Kindness efforts
- Monthly Webinars with Leaders on All Aspects of Sustainability, Health, Equity and Kindness
- Weekly Alliance S.H.E. Kindness Minute on AM950 Radio (and possibly YouTube and Instagram reels) featuring articles from the Alliance’s weekly e-Newsletter by AM950 host Laura Hedlund
- Washington, DC Reception and Lobby Day on the Farm Bill with the American Sustainable Business Network, plus Strategy Meetings with Partners, June 13 – 14, 2023
- Launch of the Alliance’s new S.H.E. Kindness Youth & School and Business Programs
- MN State Fair Eco-Experience Presentations on the Sustainability Stage of our S.H.E. Kindness Youth & School and Business Programs as well as other presentations
- Minnesota State Legislature Lobby Day in conjunction with the MN Environmental Partnership and MN Center for Environmental Advocacy
- Next Forty Gala Concluding Our Fortieth Anniversary Year, possibly Saturday May 18, 2024
A few surprises

Meeting Jay Webb, the “gardener” for George Floyd Square and a healthy, just future
As we shared in the newsletter, many of us were fortunate enough to meet Jay Webb, a surprise attendee. Webb spoke at the Alliance’s Fortieth Anniversary and gave the Board and staff a tour of the Square.
When Webb heard about the murder of George Floyd, he came to the site to support the community and process their shared trauma. He brought aromatherapy with essential oils like lavender and tea tree to help people heal and safeguard them from Covid, according to MPR. To further the healing, he used his contracting skills to remediate the soil and plant organic gardens, including one at the center of the Square at 38th and Chicago. It continued to grow as people from around the world came to pay homage. Webb created a nursery and got “recycled” flowers, then helped each person plant one so they can be a living part of the Memorial. He gives visitors a seed packet to take and plant back home. Read more
Ongoing support for our Fabulous Fortieth Celebration Year
You can make a difference providing needed support by being a Host ($150 and receive a gift bag) or a Supporter at a higher level (even if you cannot attend), which has excellent benefits. You’ll be listed in the promotional materials, Program Book, website and social media, with the ability to share a personal message in the Program Book and website if received by May 12. You can also make a gift to allow one of our students to attend. And we’d deeply appreciate Sponsorships that come with even more outstanding benefits (copy due by May 12).

Press and Media
April 22, 2023
Earth Day Interview of Frances Moore Lappé and Terry Gips by Connections hosts Rick Bernardo and Laurie Fitz on AM950 radio and Facebook and YouTube livestream
— Audio recording of the broadcast
— Facebook video of the broadcast
— YouTube video of the broadcast
May 11, 2023
Food Freedom Radio Interview of Frances Moore Lappé and Terry Gips by host Laura Hedlund
—Facebook video of the broadcast