By Alliance Intern Katie Block from Wellesley College ‘25
California is considering the approval of two massive wood pellet-burning energy plants. Proponents falsely claim this biomass energy is “clean” and “renewable”, even though burning wood and other organic materials for energy produces 50% more carbon emissions than coal, according to Green America.
Burning woody biomass worsens climate change, encourages deforestation and contributes to environmental injustice by harming communities near biomass plants. “Residents near these sites often suffer from respiratory illnesses” and “must endure dust and noise pollution,” points out Green America.
They add that one of the partners proposing two massive wood pellet-burning plants “has a notorious record, with 189 violations of Canadian environmental law and extensive opposition in the US Southeast due to the pollution from its plants.”
This is the wrong direction for California, which has long been a leader in climate action. It should not move forward with this polluting energy source that works against its climate goals.
The solution is clear: California should redirect funding to truly renewable, clean solutions like wind and solar. It can meet its climate commitments and protect public health. Join the Alliance in signing Green America’s petition to get CA Gov. Newsom to block these two plants and support sustainable solutions that protect our climate, wildlife, forests and the health of vulnerable communities.