Take Action: Assure a Healthy Future for Our Great Lakes

Michigan national park Isle Royale is consistently chilly and foggy, but offers some of the most pristine views you’ll get of Lake Superior. If you’re willing to brave the cold, you can even take a scuba diving trip to the lake’s many shipwreck sites. Credit: Jim Brandenburg/Minden Pictures/Corbis

By Claire Labat, Alliance Intern from St. Olaf College ‘26

Spanning over 60 million acres and supporting over 85 million US citizens, the Great Lakes are our world’s largest and most important fresh water system. Since 2010, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) has supported over 7,500 successful on-the-ground restoration projects and allocated $3.7 billion dollars towards the improvement in drinking water quality, removal of toxic sediments and pollution, restoration of native habitats and the control of invasive species.

Although the GLRI has demonstrated significant benefits for our people and the planet, its Congressional authorization is set to expire in 2026. More work remains to ensure the health and security of our Great Lakes, and it is for this reason that congress must reauthorize the GLRI at $500 million dollars per year for an additional 5 years. Please join the Alliance in signing the Alliance for the Great Lakes petition to tell Congress to act now by reauthorizing and extending the bipartisan Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.

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