By Noelia Almanzar, Alliance Intern from Rutgers University ‘26
You may feel hopeless when standing before the countless overwhelming issues around the globe. When policy is not moving as fast as you’d like, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to turn things around. We have found that one of the most effective and personally-satisfying ways to make a difference is by joining an organization which shares your values. Joining an organization is a great way to meet like-minded people, make an impact, and feel connected to a purpose.
Here are 10 organizations we feel are worthy of your time, energy and support:
- Sunrise Movement is dedicated to tackling the climate crisis, investing in marginalized communities, and creating millions of unionized jobs. It aims to create a massive communal movement against anti-green policy. They currently have three campaigns, based around electoral organizing, aimed at confronting President Biden, billionaires and extremists responsible for enacting policies that exacerbate climate change and harm the planet and its inhabitants.
- Green America is committed to economic action for people and the planet. They believe in clean energy, fair labor, responsible finances, healthy food, and social justice. Green America has 18 campaigns, projects, and petitions that inform the public about sustainable practices and advocate against unjust corporations.
- Third Act empowers ‘experienced Americans,’ the older generation, to unite in safeguarding civil rights, equality, and environmental protection — qualities they feel are in jeopardy. They have several working groups, campaigns and events you can join that offer collective action and advocacy opportunities.
- The Sierra Club has a mission to practice and promote responsible consumption of the earth’s resources, educate and enlist humanity to care for the planet, and simply enjoy the natural environment. Dedicated to diversity, equity and sustainability, the Sierra Club has multiple campaigns and petitions you too can be a part of!
- Earthjustice is a nonprofit public interest environmental law organization dedicated to health, preservation, clean energy and combating climate change. As they say, “the earth needs a good lawyer.” To enact change, Earthjustice has numerous advising tools, petitions and events to get you involved in the fight for environmental justice and sustainability.
- Human Rights Campaign focuses on equity and justice for marginalized communities. Its mission is to end discrimination against LGBTQ+ people and create a world that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all. On their website, you can become a member or view events in your area to find community and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.
- Beyond Pesticides aims to protect public health and the environment by transitioning to a world free of toxic pesticides. Eliminating the use of pesticides will improve air and water quality, as well as food quality for future generations. To join their cause, you can become a member, comment on proposed rules and share news, studies, or art to be published on their website.
- Oceana is the largest international advocacy entity dedicated solely to ocean conservation. Their mission is to protect and restore the world’s oceans from overfishing, habitat destruction, plastic pollution and the killing of threatened species. To work towards their cause, you can join their petitions and campaigns to rally against the further degradation of ocean biodiversity.
- The Humane Society of The US employs various methods, including advocacy, legislative efforts, rescue missions and public awareness campaigns, to combat animal cruelty, poaching and animal capture. To get involved, you can donate or become a volunteer to help with animal welfare concerns in your area.
- believes in ordinary people ending the use of fossil fuels and achieving universal access to renewable energy. Their campaigns and events work to create a future where energy justice is achieved.