
Join us on Giving Tuesday today and during GiveAtHomeMN week May 1 to 8

You can also contribute today via our secure pay pal donation button

to help us raise $10,000 to support our vital work empowering local leaders in in 50 Minnesota cities to guide their community’s clean, green & equitable economic recovery to achieve and live a resilient future!

Climate action is still important! Global scientists are giving us clear paths forward to flatten the curves for new COVID 19 infections and for rising green house gas emissions to prevent crossing dangerous tipping points.

City-level solutions are key for solving both the COVID 19 and climate crises given federal and state level gridlock. Cities facing budget shortfalls and who are adjusting to new ways of working are looking for innovative ways to maintain their momentum on climate, energy, equity and resilience.

Through our Resilient Cities and Communities Coalition we are empowering

  • Citizen leaders of all ages to support their City Councils to keep climate action and resilience as a top priority
  • Cities to form multi-city action teams to implement high impact projects and policies for low-carbon/ resilient energy, buildings and transportation, while making the most of limited resources.
  • Local leaders to impact county, state and federal policies to secure needed resources for a clean, green and equitable economic recovery.

GiveAtHome  MtkaCouncilMtgMCIcrowd


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