“Sustainability Forum: Threats and Opportunities”, a free event
Saturday, January 7th, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the
Columbia Heights Library, 3939 Central Ave. NE.
Three 30-minutes presentations will be featured:
- Mike Conley—The Perfect Storm: Our Sustainability Challenges;
- Alan Ware—Making the Connection: Overpopulation and Sustainability:
- Matt Hoiland—Beyond Boom & Bust.
Forum co-sponsors include Sustainability Education Forum-Citizens for Sustainability (citizensforsustainability.org), Weathering The Storm (weatheringthestorm.net), and World Population Balance (worldpopulationbalance.org). This is a collaborative pilot project exploring the possibility of creating ongoing study forums addressing a variety of sustainability issues. Since seating is limited seating, please register via e-mail by January 5th: Clif Ware (warex001@umn.edu).